Continuing Education Webinars

The following presentations were previously broadcast as live webinars and recorded by MyMatrixx. They are available to view and download, however, the recordings do not qualify for CE credit.

GLP-1 Webinar Recording Preview Image

The Use of GLP-1 Medications in Workers’ Compensation

Weight loss medications aren’t often associated with workers’ compensation claims, but in recent years, the use of GLP-1s (Glucogon-Like Peptide-1 medications) in the commercial and workers’ comp industries has increased exponentially. These medications might be covered as part of treatment for diabetes and obesity−two comorbid conditions that are often linked together that can greatly impact an injured workers’ recovery and the trajectory and cost of a claim. Watch this one-hour webinar to review how GLP-1 medications work, when they are used, and what to expect next.

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