Georgia BWC Fee Schedule Amendment for Topicals

Posted on by myMatrixx
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The Georgia Board of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) recently released its updated medical fee schedule guidelines and rules for the coding and reimbursement of topical medications. Within the guidelines, topical medications are sorted in three categories based on the type of medication and how it is combined with other agents. The reimbursement rate for Category I medications is $80 per 30-day supply; Category II is $160 per 30-day supply; and Category III is $240 for 30-day supply.

Since we last reported on the updated guidelines, the Georgia BWC also states that reimbursement for over-the-counter topical medications shall be limited to the lesser of the pricing in the above Categories.

These reimbursement rates are designed to help cap the rising costs of topical medications, which if left unmanaged, could cost thousands of dollars per month.

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