Three Key Innovations Workers’ Comp Should Adopt from Other Industries

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myMatrixx Innovation

myMatrixx Vice President of Business Intelligence, Cliff Belliveau, was recently featured in the WCI Weekly newsletter on the importance of innovation in workers’ compensation and the lessons we can learn from other industries. In the article, Belliveau shares three innovations that other sectors have successfully adopted that workers’ comp and risk management can and should implement. Instead of starting from scratch, he stresses that effective and meaningful innovation often comes from borrowing ideas that are working somewhere else.

The article provides an overview of the need for data interoperability standards, which are common in the banking and communications fields, in workers’ compensation to help reduce fragmentation. Belliveau also discusses mobile technology, and the potential benefits that apps and interfaces similar to the auto insurance industry could have for injured workers and claims professionals alike. Finally, our industry could also gain from a wider adoption of telehealth services and e-prescribing, which have been implemented at a higher rate in general health care.

The newsletter is available to read now ahead of the WCI 75th Annual Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference in Orlando from December 12–15.